Adult Co-Ed Volleyball League
Ayden Arts and Recreation offers Adult Co- Ed Volleyball Leagues in Advanced, Intermediate and Recreational Divisions The Three Divisions are Co-Ed, and using rally scoring. Participants must be at least 18 years old at the start of the program.
Our season is from January to March. Games and practices are typically done Friday Nights
Ayden Arts and Recreation is committed to offering the adults of Ayden and surrounding areas well structured, supervised and enjoyable sports league programs. We stress participation for the promotion of physical and mental well being. These programs are designed to provide a competitive recreation opportunity that promotes fitness and well-being to the participants through team and individual league play. The goals of the program include participation, sportsmanship and fun.
You can register as a Team or as an individual Free Agent/Individual. Free Agent players may be added to existing teams or may form an all-new team, determined by the Athletics Coordinator.
The cost is: $40 per person